
Sunday, November 13, 2011

Chapter 11: Developing & Managing Products

     Today, the Walt Disney Company is known as the most prestigious family brand in the world. The company has been around since the 1920s, and it has proven to be one of the top innovative firms. Due to its long and enduring history, Disney has basically done it all: from animation, to theme parks, to consumer products, to having their own network - you name it and I can assure you that the Walt Disney Company has done it. Since Disney is such a large conglomerate, I will only be focusing on its animation line.

     The Walt Disney Studios' profits mainly come from additions to existing product lines. In other words, their profits come from new products that supplement the firm's established line. The new products being new movies and the established line being the animation line. On Movies | Disney.Go you can clearly see what I am talking about, the site consists of a "Coming Soon To Theaters" section and a "Coming Soon On Blu-Ray & DVD" section as well. Some of the new and upcoming theatrical releases are The Muppets, The Beauty and the Beast 3D, and The Secret World of Arrietty. 

     Disney's Consumer Products division also affects the animation line's profits. The DCP goes hand in hand with the Walt Disney Studios division because as soon as a new movie is created, the DCP creates consumer products based on these new characters. These products are usually clothing, play sets, plush toys, dolls, action figures, and costumes which can all be found in the Disney Store. This is considered adding new products to a product line extension

     In regards to the animation aspect of the Walt Disney Company, adding new products to existing product lines is the only innovation they do. They may not always have "new-to-the-world" products, but they always put their creativity to the test and make sure they develop new products whether they are for a new product line, or simply an addition to an existing one. As their mission statement clearly states "Creativity + Innovation = Profits."


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